donderdag 27 februari 2014

Box 1 (of eight): Carolus

Box 1 started the first journey of the Little boxes of Goodies.  As every box at least has one of my (smaller) paintings, I decided to name the boxes after the character on the painting.  So box nr. 1 is Carolus.  I recently discovered there was a Carolus in my family-tree, so that's a nice little syncronicity.

The box Carolus went from Lichtervelde -central hub of the project- to Torhout.  Not alot further, I know, but the occasion was 'Banglabari', an auction for better homes in Bangladesh.  So, Carolus was auctioned off this evening, and I have no idea who currently has the box (or what they're going to select or put back in).

More on The Little Box of Carolus later!  And more boxes are being prepared to be sent off, in Belgium as well as to other countries, yay!

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